Receive recurring payments with TWINT, Visa, Mastercard and Co.

In today's digital world, everything has to be fast and convenient. It is becoming increasingly important for you to make payment as easy and convenient as possible for your customers. One possibility for this is recurring payment. Find out now how you can use Payrexx tokenization for recurring payments.

Recurring payments - possible with Payrexx through stored payment means (tokenizations)

If you receive recurring payments from your customers (for example, when selling subscriptions), then tokenization provides you with tokenization via Payrexx offers you an easy way to automate payment processing.

With tokenization, your customers can deposit their credit card for future payments and authorize you to perform a regular debit. This way, customers don't have to type in their details every time.

During payment, the credit card number is replaced by a so-called token - no sensitive data is stored.

How does tokenization work with Payrexx?

About Payrexx Swiss CollectingPayrexx's in-house payment solution, you can apply tokenization to the following payment methods:

  • Mastercard

  • Visa


  • PostFinance Card

  • Google Pay

  • Samsung Pay

In addition, you can also use tokenization with the PayPal payment method. link your PayPal account to Payrexx for this purpose.

Easy integration: You can create a gateway with the Payrexx API. In Payrexx, a gateway is a temporary payment link that is created for a specific payment or tokenization process.

In this way, you can retrieve the payment information of your customers directly from your app / website and debit it at a later time. The debit can take place via the Payrexx account or via the Payrexx API.

In the support article from Payrexx you can learn everything about the integration of tokenization. Among other things, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to create a gateway using the Payrexx API.

In your Payrexx account - overview of all tokenizations

Advantages of tokenization

Processing recurring payments via tokenization offers your company various advantages:

  • Less effort - there is no need for invoicing.

  • Regular income - recurring payment gives you a predictable source of income.

  • Satisfied customers - the payment runs automatically and your customers have no effort.

  • On-time payment - due to the automatic process there are no payment delays.

  • Highest security - no sensitive data is stored during the payment process.

Convince yourself

As you can see, recurring payments with tokenization are fast, secure and convenient - for you and your customers.

Do you want to benefit from the advantages of tokenization in the future? Then register now and test Payrexx for 30 days free of charge.


Lowest transaction fees with Centi at Payrexx


Payrexx Release Notes March- 2023.03